What do you see up there? Right up there, yeah that picture just above these words? Yep, those are the original X-Men, the first X-Men, the fucking ones that would be in the first incarnation of Professor X's School For Gifted Youngsters. Now, last I heard X-Men: First Class, the next X-Men movie was supposed to be about that, the first class...hence the goddamn name FIRST CLASS!! Let's do role call for the first class as pictured above:
Jean Grey.....Here
Yep that's pretty much it so how in the name of Jack Kirby can the muckruckers in Hollywood, the anal fissures on the ass of humanity, possibly put fucking Banshee and Havok in the new movie? It's bad enough they've cast aside continuity for tits and ass to stick Emma Frost in there but Havok? He's the son of Scott Summer's (Cyclops) younger brother and in this movie Scott's suppose to be a teenager. UM...WHAT!!!
As for Banshee who gives a fuck but still, it's not the original team. Who wants to take bets these fuckers make Beast blue from the word go. If you want to become further nauseated you can look up all the Gossip Girl meets Vampire Weekend Fan types that will play these parts. Man I don't even like X-Men and this pisses me off.
I hate everything
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