Wow Jesse James and Alec Baldwin are looking pretty sweet right now!!
I never thought I'd write those words but compared to Mel Gibson Jesse James and Alec Baldwin are a couple of real keepers. I was always a Mel Gibson fan from Mad Max to Road Warrior and even through the Lethal Weapon movies. He never had a bad lick of press or any controversy but HOLY SHIT is he making up for that now. Either he's really, clinically gone insane or the medication that kept him mellow isn't working well enough. Whatever it is Mel Gibson has gone right over the edge with no car, no parachute, no nothing.

First there was this insane rant at his wife Oksana Grigorieva for no real reason other than Mel was possessed by the spirit of Cunt. Dig it (NOT SAFE FOR WORK)
If you can't listen to the whole thing here are the highlights.
--Tells Oksana she breasts feed with foreign bodies in her (fake breasts)
--Says she looks like a Vegas Bitch, a Vegas Whore
--Says if Oksana gets raped by a Pack Of Niggers it'll be her fault
--Her tight pants show off her pussy from behind
Then a new rant hit Radioonline.com that not only takes the cake but shoves it down the throat and washes it down with bleach. Dig this but also NOT SAFE FOR WORK
If you don't have eight minutes here are the highlights from this one.
--Tells Oksana she should just smile and blow him
--Tells her she has no "Fucking Soul"
--Tells her he left his wife because they had no spiritual common ground (Um, okay)
--Starts breathing like a psycho and repeating "you don't care"
--Says she's a dishonest cunt for leaving
--Says he needs a woman not a little girl with a fucking dysfunctional cunt
--Tells her that he doesn't need medication but she needs a bat to the side of the head
--Says he bends over backwards with his balls in a knot for her
--Says she's a weak cunt because she won't stand up to him (this is while he's screaming)
--Says her friend would've blown him in five seconds
--Oh, you’re all angry now! You know what, you fucking deserved it! (Says this about hitting her with their baby daughter in her arms)
--Threaten ya? I’ll put you in a f *ckin rose garden you c*nt! You understand that? Because I’m capable of it. You understand that?
Yep old Mel certainly is the sweet talker. So now with all of this and the investigation William Morris has dropped Gibson as a client so the movie roles that weren't coming anyway are now really, really gone.
All that's left is for Mel to done the Braveheart makeup and run around naked tazing people while calling them dysfunctional cunts.
I would play it through the speakers but my boss is a dick(not a cunt) & I'll get in trouble :(
ReplyDeleteYeah man, what happened with old Melly-Mel? He seemed to be a bad-ass/nice guy early on in his career. WTF?