Apparently at Comic Con there was a new trailer and poster for the American version of Let The Right On In, now called Let Me In. The above poster is pretty nice and I have to say the trailer is very cool, if it weren't for the fact that it's for this movie. See the original Let The Right One In is a quiet movie about co-dependency and love with this supernatural thing moving in the background. This film looks like a big Vampire death movie with lots of action and characters that don't need to be there. Check out the trailer:
See, it's not bad but if you've seen the original you can feel how Americanized this is and that kinda sucks.
As good as this looks, this makes me shit my pants in anger. It's the same damn movie as the Swedish classic. You're right, this is Americanized with Yvonne wearing a Kiss shirt! Oh man! Anyway, I hope American audiences go see the original before they see this.