I will be the first to admit that I had to be held down and forced to watch Avatar. See I hate Japanime, Manga and pretty much anything that deals with it or off of it. To me all of that shit looks like people with big eyes screaming at each other.
However I was way off base about Avatar and totally fell in love with characters, the story, the writing, all of it. When I heard there was going to be a live action movie I was instantly unhappy. First of all it was going to be M Night Shamalamadingdong directing it and he sucks, everything he touches sucks big asshole. You like his movies, then you have some kind of default in your brain that allows you to screen garbage and see it as art.
Then there was the fact that it cast pretty much all white kids as the movie's stars even though the actual characters are Asian. Finally the idea that a three season show, filled with tiny moments and subtly can be crammed into two hours means they're going to forgo everything to focus on action.
So even though the photos look kinda cool I still say this isn't going to be a very good film at all.
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