This isn't a stupid move because I'm so amped for the movie to come out, this is a stupid move for two very specific reasons. First up the fact that it was made at all. The Green Hornet is a classic character, one that deserves much more respect than a kooky Michel Gondry comedy version starring one-trick-pony-running-out-of-ideas Seth Rogan. Now to add insult to injury the Hollywood scum have decided to push the film to 2011 so they can add the whole 3-D element to it. This movie wasn't shot in 3-D so it will be the same awful look as that which has garnered Clash Of The Titans so much negative attention. Don't these pricks ever learn?

Y'know if I was M. Night Shyamalan I'd want to hedge all of my bets when it came to this movie. If he fucks this up it'll be a long time before anybody in Hollywood wants him to do anything but go get coffee. Why take a little known product like this, one where he's screwed the story up already, and then add the element of the 3-D thing everybody hates? Personally I don't care because I hate M. Night Shamalamadingdong but I'm still scratching my head over this decision.
Plus don't these Executive idiots realize that Avatar did well because it was shot in 3-D and because 3-D was a curious and novel thing to see a movie in? If every last goddamn movie is 3-D it'll just render everything back to square one.
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