From the very beginning in the late 1930s, Simon and Kirby produced the finest stories around, creating dramatic new super heroes (Captain America, Blue Bolt, Fighting American, The Fly), western action (Boy’s Ranch), gruesome horror (Black Magic), explosive detective fiction (Justice Traps the Guilty), and the very first romance comics (Young Romance). They were the dream team.
• The only edition authorized by both Joe Simon and the estate of Jack Kirby
• Hand-picked by Joe Simon himself, with introductory material by him
• The images are fully restored to their original vibrancy by Harry Mendryk and presented in an impressive, collectible package
• Contains more than two-dozen tales, presented in their entirety, including stories from Simon and Kirby’s time at DC and Marvel
• Includes some of the most famous S&K creations, including Captain America, Fighting American, The Fly, Boy’s Ranch, Bullseye, and Stuntman
• The beginning of a planned collection of the entire Simon and Kirby Library
• With illustrated essays by Mark Evanier, author of Kirby: King of Comics
I could say something about how fucking brilliant this is but really, I don't need to.
I will definitely be getting this.