So often people ask why nobody in the rest of the world takes America seriously anymore, why we're a walking punchline. If you don't already know look no further then the report that director James Cameron has been flown into brainstorm with scientists on stopping the massive BP oil flow that is currently destroying an Ocean, killing wild life, taking people's livelihoods and property as well. This is what we do while something this destructive goes down? We turn to a fucking movie director to save our asses? Has America drifted so far into the vast ocean of stupidity that we as a people actually believe a star can save us from the bad things? This isn't a movie folks and Cameron can't do anything for us. I mean Christ the whole mess is already in 3D because it's FUCKING REAL...what can this Avatar asshat do?
Anybody who is about to raise up and hand me a gut full of Cameron's expertise with underwater equipment just shut the fuck up right now. This guy used his money to fuck around with some underwater cameras and submersibles in order to try and lend credence to his crappy Titanic movie by filming the real thing. Well hell fuck yeah that makes him an expert in disaster clean up. I once had a bitchen remote controlled submarine, can I get flown out to help fix the leak? I thought we'd hit rock bottom as a country when California elected Schwarzenegger as their Governor but nope, we continue to drop down the ladder of humanity one rung at a time.
The thing that chaps my ass is that Cameron's legendary ego is so fucking out of control he actually believes he can help. He actually thinks he can slide in and try to fix the problem. Why, because he directed a movie about blue people who love nature? Is it because he's such a gosh golly right on tree hugger he thinks he can commune with nature? This just shows the lack of seriousness the leak is being given. Nobody gives a solid shit about the damage being done, everybody just wants either to not be hurt by the fallout or to be the hero of the day who stops the oil.
Millions and millions of gallons are leaking every few hours into the ocean, destroying the natural balance, reducing a huge part of the planet to a toxic dumpsite. Is anybody getting this? Does anybody really understand how bad it is? The people in charge sure don't seem to understand the reality here, or they just don't care. Obama, a guy I usually root for, has screwed the pooch so hard on this it brings back shades of when Dubya got Brown, the head of the Equestrian Society, to head up FEMA and totally fuck up the Katrina disaster rescue. Obama should be fining the board of directors of BP hundred of thousands of dollars personally a day until it's fixed and he should allow for those with BP in their homes to not pay their bills until it's fixed. Watch how fast that shit gets done.
Nope, not us, not our Government. Instead we send a movie director to help with the Sci-Fi robot plan. What's next? If this doesn't work let's call Christian Bale, after all he is Batman and Batman could stop this. We could call Brandon Routh, he's really Superman and could fix it lickety split. Better yet let's get the guy from Entourage who played Aquaman to swim down there and use his power to communicate with the sea animals as a way of fixing the problem. With the wealth of Hollywood movies at our disposal America has any number of people to choose from.
So while James Cameron brainstorms and America looks on rooting for him the oil continues to leak. BP continues to hem and haw and Obama does nothing but go out there and point to the oil saying "That's bad". Thanks Prez, glad you're here to tell us these things. My favorite is how the dirty rat bastard Republicans, who could be using this to crucify Obama have said very little. Why, because their scum bag golfing buddies are oil barons and they don't wanna bite the hands that corrupt them. If this is how we react to things then the human race deserves to drown in oil.

Iann, the Republicans are actually saying something but as usual....it's just a whole load of bullshit. Instead of pointing the finger at BP, they're pointing the finger at Obama. Not saying that he isn't to blame for the spill due to his lackadaisical response to the spill but on whose account did the oil spill happen, none other than BP.
ReplyDeleteConservatives are just trying to tarnish the Presidents image. It's really already tarnished according to them. They can't wait until November to nominate an all Right-wing board of Congress to stop Obamacare & of course, they can't wait until 2012 to get Obama out of office.
That's why for the most part, I stay apolitical or neutral because both Liberals & Conservatives have twisted viewpoints.