I refuse to give this ill bitch a name because as far as I'm concerned she's so reprehensible I cannot fathom why nobody has stuck a shotgun up her vag and pulled the trigger. Really, I mean how fucking filled with black poison does your soul have to be to hire a camera crew to take pictures of your husband with tubes tuck in him as his life slowly ebbs away? What did poor Gary Coleman ever do that this shrew bitch of a human being was dumped into his life.
First of all few if any celebrities had as fucked up a life and as unfair a mound of shit to eat as Gary Coleman. That guy couldn't walk outside for ice cream without bad luck running up and slapping his nuts as hard as could be. To top all of that off Coleman searches for love with a woman I'm sure is comprised of demon feces, as in a demon squatted down and took a huge slimey shit, gave it red hair and eyes and sent it after poor Gary Coleman.
I loved that she called the cops on Coleman for domestic abuse. How? How exactly did Coleman manage to abuse this monster? This bitch is built like a linebacker with GLOW Girl aspirations and yet Coleman beat her up? What did he do stand on a step ladder and slap her in her busted mug? And by the way check out this monsters fucking teeth:

Sharks don't drop that much gum during an attack. Coleman looks so happy there, man if only he knew how bad life was about to get. I fully believe this deadbeat whore pushed Gary Coleman down and then had a nice meal before calling 911 and giving that rambling message. She's so fucked evil she doesn't even try to hide how much she doesn't care in the call. She admits she won't go down because there's too much blood and she sounds so cold on the phone you'd think her hamster was throwing up blood not her dying husband's brains everywhere.
Then to make shit worse she takes photographs like this at the hospital:

REALLY!? That shit isn't illegal? Oh no wait the illegal stuff went down when this tribute to all things cunt decided to pull the plug on Coleman even though in his will he wanted to wait 15 days, a little thing she ignored. PLUS the bitch wasn't even his wife at this point, she had no right to do anything but go home and stroke the tentacles that I'm sure emanate from deep within her box. The best is that nobody stopped her, nobody stepped in and told her to fuck right off and then shoved the camera up her ass and started shooting.
With Coleman barely cold in the ground the bitch starts rattling her saber that he wanted her to have everything, even producing a bogus note he supposedly wrote saying he was sorry for everything. HE was SORRY? HEEE WAAASSSS SORRRY? I can't believe how evil and vile this woman is, she must have black diseases as blood, that's all that makes sense. I know she killed him and did it to squander what little tiny bit of money he had left. I hope this bitch dies by being slowly cut to pieces with a rusty razor but until then
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