So with the return of Cool Shit In The Crosshairs I would be remiss not to include any and all kick ass toy, collectables, kitsch shit. As you can tell from the photo, I love me some nerd type gifts to roll deep with. Anyway, here's what's up for this week.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. That's about all I can say on this is I wish I had $290 bucks and the room to display it. This statue featuring the classic clash between Superman and Muhammad Ali not only looks amazing but is also rather bittersweet due to the passing of Dick Giordano who inked this classic comic book. If you're looking to buy this statue (for me maybe) then click HERE.

Look I understand that you have to have marketing tie ins to make a movie work but seriously, really? A fucking Iron Man Diesel perfume thing? First of all who wants to smell like machine parts and oil, which is what Iron Man would smell like and also guys who wear Diesel are too busy date raping teenage girls to care about Iron Man. This item hits stores (for around $68) in May and you can check the Diesel Store over and over to find out when.

I don't know what the fuck this is or why the fuck you would want it but it really sucks. You can't buy it because some fool actually made it just for themselves but I figured you should view it.
Yoda's head looks like the Shaka Sign. I get it.