Don't worry, it's not called that, I just find and sequel with the number is way funnier with Electric Boogaloo after the title.
Seriously though, it feels like the war between the Skeksis and the Mystics went on for fewer years than the coming of the Dark Crystal sequel. Talk of the sequel has raged on for years but with very little actually moving forward with it. Recently Brian and Wendy Froud, the couple who worked on the original Dark Crystal as well as Jim Henson's Labyrinth, declared that the sequel to the Jim Henson classic was still on and moving towards a start-date for production. Here's an interview with the couple at the signing for their new card game The Heart of Faerie Oracle.
Now I'm sure that there are those out there who find this to be good news, I am not one of them. The Dark Crystal was a perfect fantasy movie, a film that told a complete story, one that left no room for a sequel. Jim Henson's use of puppetry and stop-motion effects gave the Dark Crystal and the film's inhabitants a realism and life the movies can't touch today even with the advances in technology. A sequel would not only feel forced but also serve no purpose. Just leave it alone, let the movie be what it is and stop fuck trying to cash in on it.
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