So the other day I got on the train and these four goon headed apes got on yelling about whores and drinking and fuckin' shit up and so forth and so on. These poster boys for abortion were sporting Ed Hardy and Tapout gear which has largely become the Douche Bag Costume Du Jour. Ed Hardy gear goes between Frat Boy Wanna-Be Hipsters and total "fuck yeah" guy shitheels while Tapout gear is primarily worn by date raping homophobes. While trying not vomit acid in their eyes I got to thinking of a great De La Soul song called TAKE IT OFF. I played the song and changed the lyrics for the awful fashions of today.
So turn the song on (because clearly you MUST own the album of course) and sing along, it's fun.
Take take take take it off
take it off
Take take take take it off
take it off
Take take take take it off
take it off
Take take take take it off
take it off
Take Ed Hardy off
take it off
Take Affliction off
Take it off
Take that Tapout off
Take it off
Cut off black jean shorts
take it off
pre-ripped up jean skirts
take it off
Take those Man-dels off
take it off
Men in Flip Flops to
take it off
Your retro band shirt sucks
take it off
Take that Tramp Stamp off
take it off
Take those Ugg boots off
take it off
Those Gladiator sandals to
take it off
The earring gauges to
take it off
That backwards baseball cap
take it off
Those puffy skate shoes go
take it off
Your 50s retro look
take it off
Those super-thin t-shirts suck
take it off
take that fake bedhead off
take it off
Take that Shepard's Fairy shirt off
take it off
take those boot cut jeans, you're 70s punk rock costume, popped collars, thong underwear and sex in the city wedges off please please please