Morrissey once said "It takes strength to be gentle and kind" and me, well, I never really listened to that advice. I love being cynical and hating on Hollywood, it brings me closer to the scum that slowly ruin art and everything else. Now while I haven't full on attacked Shia LeBeaouf (mainly because his name translates to God's Side Of Beef) I have slapped him around a bit. Now, after his recent interview at the Cannes Film Festival I'm afraid I have to respect the guy.
LaBeaouf's interviews are incredibly candid and honest, something you never see ever from Hollywood actors. They usually break their backs blowing themselves or they defend some slop ass shit film they've done to their dying breath. Not Labeaouf, he stook the bull by the horns and spoke from the heart. Check out some of these quotes:
“You get to monkey-swinging and things like that and you can blame it on the writer and you can blame it on Steven [Spielberg, who directed]. But the actor’s job is to make it come alive and make it work, and I couldn’t do it. So that’s my fault. Simple.”
“I think if you don’t acknowledge it, then why do they trust you the next time you’re promoting a movie?” LaBeouf went on to say he wasn’t the only star on the film who felt that way. “We [Harrison Ford and LaBeouf] had major discussions. He wasn’t happy with it either. Look, the movie could have been updated. There was a reason it wasn’t universally accepted.”
Asked whether this was difficult to say, given his deep relationship with Spielberg, LaBeouf continued with the directness. “I’ll probably get a call. But he needs to hear this. I love him. I love Steven. I have a relationship with Steven that supersedes our business work. And believe me, I talk to him often enough to know that I’m not out of line. And I would never disrespect the man. I think he’s a genius, and he’s given me my whole life. He’s done so much great work that there’s no need for him to feel vulnerable about one film. But when you drop the ball you drop the ball.”
LaBeouf added, “We need to be able to satiate the appetite,” he said. “I think we just misinterpreted what we were trying to satiate.”
"When I saw the second movie, I wasn't impressed with what we did. There were some really wild stunts in it, but the heart was gone; we got lost. We tried to get bigger. It's what happens to sequels. It's like, how do you top the first one? You've got to go bigger. Mike went so big that it became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie. ... You lost a bit of the relationships. Unless you have those relationships, then the movie doesn't matter. Then it's just a bunch of robots fighting each other."
See what I mean, honesty...whooda thunk it?
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